Brockford Barn 2012 - 2016
Providing Alternative Education Provision to local schools and young adults with barriers to learning
Opened Saturday Laser Club
Providing specialist Art, Musical and Technology experiences and general tutoring to Home Educators
Providing ABRSM piano lessons
Hosting charity events and business meetings
Hosting music studio recording and rehearsal sessions
Running two summer camps and a number of Technology STEM days
2016 Winners of the BMFA Distance Payload challenge
Old Magistrates Courthouse, Stowmarket
Continued provision of Saturday Laser Club
Continued AEP to local schools, young adult education centres, the LA and a SEN specialist school.
Continued Home Education support to include Art, Maths, German and Music sessions
Development of Thinkonauts group
Formation of Friends of Time and Space
Development of Non Exec Governing body.
Participated in Stowmarket Chrismas Tree festival and Bury St Edmunds Cathedral Art Exhibitions
Winners of BMFA Payload challenges:
2017 - Distance Challenge
2018 - Egg Challenge
2019- Egg Challenge, Distance Challenge and Quantity Challlenge
2019 - present
Freestone Lodge,
Bought a bus to tour our provision in collaboration with other educational and wellbeing organisations.
Planning the development and future use of our new site
Developing an online distance learning /support service/ tutoring provision
Embark on a Law and Education degree
Networking: Attending a number of conferences:
Freedom To Learn democratic education conference; Braziers Park Oxon
Phoenix Education Trust AGM London
Levelled and grassed a large recreation area
Bought a 12x10M marquee during building renovation.
Took our Bus provision to Festival of Childhood, Summerhill School Suffolk
Barn renovation and extension to our site now provides workshop, music studio, registered kitchen (5*)
Set up democratic learning community collaboration in Local Area
Ongoing development of local and distance learning courses, mobile and online provision