Higher & Reward

Aeromodelling is an exciting dynamic technical and rewarding sport with oodles of content in science, technology, core skills, dynamics, craft skills and outdoor fun.
Our curriculum covers loads of STEM. We train our young pilots about safety, the law and consideration for others. We are pushing the envelope in terms of testing our aircraft for performance using various telemetry and on screen displays, video and slow motion recordings.
Distance Learning
We provide mobile sessions to groups based around the UK are also developing fully online courses.
Our STEM courses work out at about £10 per hour with additional fees if your child wants to take hardware home, but we are able to use relatively inexpensive and ecological materials extensively when using CAD CAM. So building aircraft need not involve costly materials.
The Wednesday group is weekly for 3 hours to face session.
Aeroschool Uk Mobile
T&S Aeroschool Mobile is a series of 2 hr glider flying sessions where a group of up to 20 participants explore the rudiments of flight.
We make use of our 'launchpad' range of kits that are inexpensive cardboard gliders that can be customised to taste.
Key to this is our secret weapon - the gravity launcher. Hand launchers that are based on elastic bands are difficult to aim, standardise and provide any meaningful basis for competition and calibration. They also accelerate gliders too rapidly which leads to structural failure of more delicate airframes. Hand based launchers/catapults etc are also difficult to moderate and control in the context of a confined space which can represent a safety issue.
The object is actually to bring your group to a point of autonomy not dependency. Unlike the need to continually purchase products our course sets you up to make and test gliders with minimal expense and maximum creativity.
Our gravity launcher can be purchased as a DIY kit or fully built. Our glider templates will provide you with a guide to hand-making our pre designed gliders and after that your own creations from cardboard which can be trialled tested and developed with the use of basic card cutting and fixing tools. You can of course purchase our Laser cut card glider sets for groups for whom the use of craft knives etc might be problematic.
Aeroschool Uk Online (AO)
Aeroschool Uk online begins with access to our 'launchpad'
Like Aeroschool Uk, Aeroschool Uk Mobile will involve posting out our kits and laser cut components that you have designed. This is a natural extension of our visiting you.
There will be a cost to Laser Cutting pro rata for kits, zoom time, prep time and postage. However, this could involve high numbers of participants resulting in significant sharing of costs bringing the session cost down. Please contact us if interested.
Universal Facilities for distance learning
All our CAD software is available for home use and we operate a mail service for parts designed and laser cut for assembly and testing at home.
To apply for all Aeroschool Uk courses we would like you to share with us something about your interests and experience. We want to match the course to your needs or suggest what other courses we offer might suit your needs better. Please visit us for our info sessions .
Collaborative software
Miro, 2DDesign, ProDesktop and Dropbox.
Who is Aeroschool Uk for?
Aeroschool Uk is attended by children and young adults from age 7​​​ to 19 who:
are school or home educated and seek access to a quality STEM provision
seek extension and challenge particularly in technological subjects.
prefer to work experimentally to make functioning purposeful outcomes
may benefit from learning to work in a small group.
attend a youth club which has an interest in STEM
may need to learn functional skills in the context of practical purposeful projects
may have anxiety issues that are a barrier to learning
may have characteristics that present a barrier to learning in school environment
Progressive and Rigorous Flight Curriculum
Our original range of educational kits, accessories, activities, drawings and concepts have been developed from years of practice.
Our kits are designed to sequentially teach flight principles, isolating each principle strategically so that the young mind can be convinced of the theory - or to challenge it.
Whilst clearly fun - chucking gliders around a room or a field without any control over speed and direction can be frustrating when trying to finely trim a glider. The launch is all important and very difficult to repeat precisely enough to be at all scientific. This tends to frustrate those with greater interest in the science of flight. Children will more readily play with cars and drones that offer stability and predictability.
We can control 'risk' much more readily these days - the technology is here and so we need to make use of it. Stabilised flight, robust materials, flight training solutions safe power trains.
Our products are designed to be flown in a way that demonstrates principles of flight, reduce risk of loss, damage and injury and make the whole experience more enjoyable for the inquiring mind.
Building resilience - Learning from mistakes
Our students develop their understanding accumulatively so that failure in something is followed by something more successful next time around. This is a vital concept unavailable to most university students who rarely test their aircraft prior to competitive flight.
How can I access Aeroschool Uk? -
You can access Aeroschool Uk in a number of ways. We have an application form for you to share with us some of your experiences, ideas and aspirations before we agree what course would suit you.
come to us in Northamptonshire for our group sessions for school children (Alternative Education Provision) and other groups for Home Educators.
Sign up for our online course when available, buy our educational kits and schemes of work online for independent learning. Join our remote group work and meetups during the year.
Book us to visit you or your group with our Mobile workshop!
Come to one of our annual Aerocamps at venues like Shuttleworth, BMFA Buckminster or at home in Irthlingborough.
Products - see our online shop
Cardboard glider kits
Custom kits for model aircraft you can buy yourself
Schemes of work
Gravity launcher
Achievement Schemes you can do
BMFA Flying achievement schemes
Bronze CREST awards for testing aero principles
Silver and Gold CREST awards for entering the BMFA Payload Challenges.
Scouts badges etc
Hybrid Delivery and Resourcing
We run online learning and group video sessions and can provide you with all software and video resources you need to run your own club.
We can even laser cut your designs in cardboard and post them back to you!
Training and Consultancy
Mark is available to train you to deliver our unique resources and or train your staff to deliver Aeroschool UK curriculum.
Aeroschool Uk History
​2013 'Aer0nauts' was launched as a small team of students from the local USAF base came
to us to rebuild a Radio controlled Biplane
2014 Experimenting with laser cutting and aircraft manufacture with a growing team of home educated students and one from a local youth training provider.
2015 Entered the BMFA Payload Challenges for schools and universities with 'Pig'. The plane barely flew for reasons beyond our then understanding! However we won the prestigious 'Jettex Trophy' after a series of crashes and rebuilds that gained us a lot of sympathy!!

​2016 A new team of home eds. Complete review of our understanding of flight theory. We took the 'Pig' basic format and developed two competing upgrades led by two home educated students. This internal friendly competition led to a single solution with increased empennage area, coned nose, streamlined propeller intake and dynamically cooled motor. Winners of the BMFA Distance Payload Challenge against three other teams including one from China. Do watch the video if you haven't seen it!

Old Magistrates Courthouse, Stowmarket
2017 A new team again this time exploring a front mounted tractor propeller and a thorough modelling of 20 wing/tail combinations around a basic torpedo fuselage. A last minute change from plywood construction to Depron leading to a our second win of the BMFA Distance Payload Challenge against two other teams.
Plus a second entry, our first in the 'Quantity Challenge' (tennis balls) with 'The Mighty Dorito' built single handedly by our eldest student came 5th overall against multiple University entries.

Three Aer0nauts teams now!!
Our youngest team of three ages 11-14 entering the 'Egg-lift challenge' winning their category with 'Yolko-Oh-No'
Team of three entering the Distance Challenge (Block of wood) came second
Team of two entering the Quantity Challenge (Polystyrene Balls) with 'B-Ryan' failed to compete.

Three teams again;
SpaceEggs winning their challenge against two other teams.
'Distance' sporting two wing options in the design process; a delta v a straight wing winning their challenge against two other teams
'Quantity' winning their challenge against 17 universities

2019 - present
Moved to Freestone Lodge, Northants
Continued some groups online as we fitted out our new site
Discovery Zone provision at Shuttleworth Airshows
​Locked down!
developing online and mobile provision and local home Education links.
Held our first Aer0camp at Shuttleworth
Worked with HE students 1:1
Discovery Zone Educational provision at Shuttleworth airshows.
Facilitated Airscouts and Scouts/Guides camps at Shuttleworth
Facilitated RAF days and school visits to Shuttleworth with our new Gravity Launcher
Developed our own airfield at Freestones
Ran the first Aeroschool 2022 -2023 resulting in 4 RC Deltas built